Study for a Complete Glossary of Terms
© 2020
Media: oil and alkyd resin on panel
Location: in a collection
16 x 20 inches (19 x 23 inches framed)
For those of you with low vision,
This is a bright summer landscape with sea in the background... a garage under a cedar shingled roof with it's door open, facing a pebble driveway swathed in shadows (from an unseen tree) framed by a picket fence through which we see the ocean from a height that must mean a steep drop-off, with a small shingle style shed to the right and a boisterous hydrangea bush to the left (pale amber blossoms), under an intensely blue sky with a blurred palette-knife cirrus cloud. The open garage door reveals a very dark umber interior with two windows looking onto the sea, some shadowy cans on the floor, and what might be a brown workcoat hanging on the wall.