© 1990-2005
Media: oil on canvas with paper map and objects
Location: in the studio
Hover/tap here for Price $6,700 framed
40" x 64" (102 cm x 163 cm)
For those of you with low vision:
This painting is compositionally divided into three sections. The top of the painting is sectioned into a thin horizontal strip depicting the panoramic view of the waning sun against the bay. The larger section below is divided into two. The left portion depicts the view of a woman in a batting cage, in the midst of swinging a bat at a softball. The colors she is painted in reflect a yellow, red, and violet glow. The neighboring section depicts a heart painted on a map in red, yellow and orange. The map has been torn into strips and slightly offset collaged together again. In the center of the heart is a collaged softball glove with a softball resting in the bottom left corner of the canvas.
These descriptions are being rushed onto all the website paintings. Please accept that they are a work in progress. Thanks for your consideration.